Latest News - Page 3

CANGOTHON 22 - 25 JULY 2021!

Posted on Fri July 2, 2021.

We are fundraising this year for Cango Wildlife Ranch! The pandemic has hit them hard and they need help to make sure they can keep caring for their furry family!

A group of amazing streams and volunteers have come together to raise funds and make a difference in the lives of these animals!

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Since 1941

Posted on Tue June 1, 2021.

Today is a big day as Agatha, our adored radiated tortoise, celebrates her 80th birthday!

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The 50 Fund

Posted on Tue May 25, 2021.

Friends of the Ranch,

A year of trials has tested us like never before... and although the battle is ongoing, and our spirit sometimes gets weary, we recognize and acknowledge our privilege in knowing our purpose, and we are reminded of it daily in the glorious eyes of our dependants.

And what a year it has been...

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Sebastian and Iago - The story of two brothers

Posted on Sun May 23, 2021.

Raising blue and gold macaw chicks comes with its very own unique challenges as our caregivers will attest...

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The extraordinary life of Penny...

Posted on Wed May 12, 2021.

Selfless, resilient, and steadfast are just some words to describe, Penny, our Albino Cape Porcupine. She is not just living her best life, but she is also living her third chance at life after having faced a few challenges of her own.

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Hanging in there...

Posted on Mon May 10, 2021.

Ahead lies a monumental week for us as our CWR family expands! Not by 1 or 2… but by 3! Choloepus didactylus, more commonly known as Linnaeus’s Two-toed Sloths, will be joining the CWR family from 10 May 2021. Our Zoological team is abuzz with excitement and all efforts are being made to prepare their new home.

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Celebrating Vulture Culture in The Wasteland

Posted on Mon April 26, 2021.

The motivation behind The Wasteland is to enlighten visitors on the importance of these misunderstood birds and the challenges that they face in the wild.

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Toddler helps save wildlife!

Posted by Cheetah Preservation Foundation on Thu June 18, 2020 in Cheetah Preservation Foundation NPC.

In the midst of trauma, terror and pandemics, there are always heroes who emerge. Beacons of hope who come in all shapes and sizes and help show humanity the way forward. We saw such a (tiny) hero arise…

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Feed for Funds | Gaming meets Conservation 19-21 June 2020

Posted by Cheetah Preservation Foundation on Fri June 12, 2020 in Cheetah Preservation Foundation NPC.

In South Africa, COVID-19 restrictions have been ongoing for a harrowing 11 weeks. During this time, the Cango Wildlife Ranch has been without any income, other than donations from our phenomenal supporters, who have been integral in keeping us afloat. Though we are glowing pure gratitude for all the help we have received, we still have a long road ahead before we, or our animals, can breathe easy.

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Funds for Feed | Donation Links

Posted by Cheetah Preservation Foundation on Fri June 12, 2020 in Cheetah Preservation Foundation NPC.

The Cango Wildlife Ranch is #fundsforfeed and teaming up with live stream gamers and content creators from around the world to raise funds and awareness for our animals!

19 - 21 June 2020


The Cango Wildlife Ranch is #fundsforfeed and teaming up with live stream gamers and content creators from around the world to raise funds and awareness for our animals!

Join them and interact as they play games and music, share their stories and favourite animals, and help save our animal family!

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